FISCHER Mess- und Regeltechnik DS21010A21BK0W00

We are not the manufacturer, authorised distributor or authorised representative of the FISCHER Mess- und Regeltechnik brand in South Africa. The private labels and part numbers shown on this website are the property of their respective owners.

FISCHER Mess- und Regeltechnik DS21010A21BK0W00


FISCHER Mess- und Regeltechnik



Part number



Differenzdruckschalter DS21/0-0,6Bar/AL/8MM/2MS/KD Artikel-Nr. DS21010A21BK0W00 Anwendungsbereich: Thermalöl DIN 4754-2

Stock availability:

On request

Price: On request


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Worldwide delivery services:
fedex dhl ups
Ways of payment:
wire transfer paypal

Specifications DS21010A21BK0W00

Contact us to get a great deal on FISCHER Mess- und Regeltechnik DS21010A21BK0W00. We supply only new machine-tools FISCHER Mess- und Regeltechnik directly from the producer, therefore we can offer the most beneficial price and a quality guarantee. FAMAGA sells only certified products and gives an official guarantee from the producer FISCHER Mess- und Regeltechnik.

Our workers speak your language. In a short time they will find for you FISCHER Mess- und Regeltechnik at a competitive price, advise you on the necessary spare parts and accessories for FISCHER Mess- und Regeltechnik DS21010A21BK0W00, will recommend counterparts and agree delivery timings to the doors of your company.

Great shipping geography allows us to deliver machine-tools to any city in South Africa or of the world or anywhere you want us to deliver it in a short time . If you become our constant customer, you will get even more attractive terms of delivery.

Our enterprise has been working in South Africa for over ten years, supplying machine-tools to over 17500 clients worldwide. Among our clients are over 2400 famous corporations with world names.

For terms of cooperation please contact us, send your request to our E-mail.