GEFRAN 10128
  GEFRAN 10128

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GEFRAN 10128





Part number



Modbus TCP

Stock availability:

On request

Price: On request


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Specifications 10128

Contact us to get a great deal on GEFRAN Modbus TCP 10128. We supply only new goods GEFRAN directly from the manufacturer, therefore we can offer the most attractive price and a quality guarantee. FAMAGA sells only certified industrial equipment and gives an official guarantee from the fabricator GEFRAN.

Our workers speak your language. In a short time they will find for you GEFRAN Modbus TCP at a competitive price, advise you on the necessary spare parts and accessories for GEFRAN Modbus TCP 10128, will recommend counterparts and agree delivery time to the doors of your company.

Well-functioning logistics system allows us to send goods to any city in South Africa or of the world or anywhere you want us to deliver it in a short time . If you become our constant customer, you will get even more attractive terms of delivery.

Our company has been working in South Africa for over eight years, supplying goods to over 18500 clients worldwide. The list of our clients includes over 2600 famous companies with world names.

For extra information please contact us, send your request to our E-mail.

Features 10128

The Ethernet communication module with Modbus TCP protocol is available for models GFX4/GFXTERMO4/GFX4-IR/GFW and is housed in various cases. You can order the communication module separately and insert it inside an existing controller. The device acquires the new configuration automatically. The module is equipped with two communication channels: The Ethernet channel with Modbus/TCP slave protocol, which allows the connection to a Master Modbus/TCP, is equipped with two RJ45 ports for a practical In-OUT daisy chain connection to other modules in the network. A serial communication channel (in insulated RS485, with Modbus RTU protocol), which connects a device subnetwork of the same series to read/write data on several Controllers via Master Modbus TCP, with a &ldquo,cost effective&rdquo, solution. The node address is allocated through the two rotary switches (1...99) on the product housing the module or through a software message. The network master (usually a PLC) recognises the slave node through this address. The slave node recognised by the Master consists of GFX4/GFXTERMO4/GFX4-IR/GFW, which houses the module and the controllers of the same series connected to the Modbus serial port. The expansion can be installed upon placing the order of the above-mentioned products or at a later date. You can configure the card&rsquo,s parameter using a dedicated SW tool
&ldquo,E&rdquo, Option
  • Modbus/TCP slave- Modbus RTU Master
  • Two Ethernet RJ45 ports with internal switch
  • Network address from rotary switches
  • 10/100Mbit/s baud rate with automatic recognition
  • Internal installation