IECO Z05_15

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IECO Z05_15





Part number



Tilting electric annealing furnace in controlled atmosphere for non-ferrous metals with instantaneous cooling to direct immersion into the water. Loading of the manual material with pneumatic door opening electrically controlled by means of a selector located on the control panel. Emptying of the material in a special tank filled with water with automatic rotation of the oven at the end of the annealing cycle. Recovery of the material manually by means of a special basket placed on the cooling tank. Heating chamber with a useful mouth 400x200 Maximum working temperature 1100 ° C Furnace equipped with: - electronic thermoregulator for the automatic control of the oven heating temperature. - timer and acoustic signal for processing cycles - programmer clock for turning the oven on / off - water temperature thermometer - gas panel complete with flow meter with manual regulation of the washing nitrogen gas and flowmeter with manual regulation of the process gas -Ammonia Dissociator NH3 (optional) - Power supply 400V/50Hz/3-phases; - Useful dimensions of loading door 400x240 mm; - Power of the furnace 24 kW; - Dissociator power (optional) 24 kW; - Max working temperature 1100°C; - Length of heating body around 1000mm Dimensions: 185x206x206 GUARANTEE We guarantee the use of top quality materials and technical assistance at any time, as well as safety and reliability in the workmanship. All our machines are provided with a warranty period of 12 months, excluding material subject to normal wear of working (consumables) and free replacement of the defected parts excluded the ones which are damaged by bad or improper use of the machine. Such replacement will be at the discretion of IKOI’s technicians. In case of failure during the guarantee period, and only due to IKOI’s fault, we will replace the faulty parts. If intervention is required, the costs of operation of one of our technicians will be charged to the customer. PRELIMINARY APPROVAL The customer could ask and define to be present during the preliminary approval that will take place in our factory by our standard procedure (in this case all your expenses will be at your charge). IKOI will inform about the time when it will be done and within 10 days from the notice of goods ready without any feedback from the customer, we will consider the preliminary approval accepted. IKOI will be available to organize the preliminary approval attending by skype or any other different system agreed together. FINAL ACCEPTANCE: ERECTION AND COMMISSIONING When our machines will arrive at the customer premises, customer will inform IKOI that they will provide to organize and send our qualified engineers for proceeding with the “FINAL ACCEPTANCE”. All our machines are tested before shipment and pass all functional check controls maintaining high efficiency performances. If machines arrived at the customer premises and are not immediately installed, for any reasons, customer has to store them properly. IKOI It is believed to be totally relieved of any liability for non-functionality or inefficiency for all delivered plants due to the not appropriate storage sites that can modify or alter their technological features. The customer is responsible for the good state maintenance once delivered (properly allocated) till the machines installation, avoiding the creation of water condensation, humidity, powder and whatever precludes proper and functional installation. Customer will sign the F.A.C. Document (Final Acceptance Certificate) after installation and the successful testing. In any case the F.A.C. document will be considered automatically approved and signed if the “Final acceptance” is not done, and reason not attributable to IKOI’s fault, within 30 days from the machines arrival date at the customer site. All Technician costs for erection and/or commissioning will be calculated and charged separately to the customer. At your charge will be: - laying and positioning of the machines; - the supply of compressed air, cooling water and electrical energy following the IKOI’s layout instruction; - TRAVEL, VARIOUS TRANSFERS, BOARD and LODGING for our technical personnel. OTHER For all other condition not specifically indicated in the present offer, please referring to the General Sales Condition We reserve the right to apply modifications, which might become necessary during manufacture to improve performance.

Stock availability:

On request

Price: On request


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Worldwide delivery services:
fedex dhl ups
Ways of payment:
wire transfer paypal

Specifications Z05_15

Contact us to get a great deal on IECO Z05_15. We supply only new machine-tools IECO directly from the fabricator, therefore we can offer the most beneficial price and a quality guarantee. FAMAGA sells only certified industrial equipment and gives an official guarantee from the producer IECO.

Our highly-qualified workers speak your language. In a short time they will find for you IECO at the best value, will select any for you spare parts and accessories for IECO Z05_15, will recommend counterparts and agree delivery time to the doors of your company.

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For terms of cooperation please contact us, E-mail us vendor code or description of needed goods.