Mounting bracket LR-TB2000CL Keyence
Mounting bracket LR-TB2000CL Keyence

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Keyence LR-TB2000CL








Mounting bracket


Sensor (ETL-Nummer 19964158)

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Specifications LR-TB2000CL

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Features LR-TB2000CL

Detection distance 2 m, Cable with connector M12, Laser Class 1
Model LR-TB2000CL
Type Cable with connector M12
Detectable distance 60 to 2000 mm*1
Spot diameter Approx. 4 mm
Response time 2 ms/20 ms/50 ms/200 ms/2000 ms selectable
Light source Type Red laser (660 nm)
Laser class Class 1 laser product (IEC60825-1,FDA (CDRH) Part1040.10*2)
Mutual interference prevention function 4 units (when using the interference prevention function)
Timer OFF/OFF delay/ON delay/One-shot
Power voltage 20 to 30 VDC, including 10% ripple (P-P), Class 2 or LPS
Current consumption 45 mA or less (without load)*3
I/O Control output NPN open collector/PNP open collector selectable 30 VDC or less, 50 mA or less, residual voltage: 2 V or less, N.O./N.C. selectable *4*5
External input Switchable between transmission OFF, teaching, and reference surface update Short-circuit current: 1 mA or less for both NPN and PNP For the applied voltage, see the wiring diagrams (pages 2 and 3 in the instruction manual). For the input times, see the time charts (page 4 in the instruction manual).*6
Analogue output -
Protection circuit Protection against reverse power connection, power supply surges, output overcurrent, reverse output connection, and output surge
Environmental resistance Enclosure rating IP65/IP67 (IEC60529)
Ambient light Incandescent lamp/Sunlight: 10,0000 lux or less
Ambient temperature -20 to +55 °C (No freezing)
Relative humidity 35 to 85 % RH (No condensation)
Vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz, Double amplitude 1.5 mm, 2 hours in each of the X, Y, and Z directions
Shock resistance 1,000 m/s2, 6 times in each of the X, Y, and Z directions
Material Case: Zinc die cast (Nickel chrome plating), Indicator cover and buttons: PES, Lens cover and display: PMMA (scratch-resistant coating specifications), Cable bushing: PBT, Cable: PVC, M12 connector: TPE, PBT, Nickel-plated brass
Accompanying items Instruction manual
Weight Approx. 85 g
*1 The range for displayable distance is from 50 to 2200. *2 The laser classification for FDA (CDRH) is implemented based on IEC60825-1 in accordance with the requirements of Laser Notice No.50. *3 145 mA or less (with load) *4 You can select the I/O from the following combinations. Control output ? 2, control output + external input Control output + analogue output (LR-TB5000/TB5000C/TB5000CL only), External input + analogue output (LR-TB5000/TB5000C/TB5000CL only) (For details on the setting method, see the instruction manual.) *5 IO-Link specification v.1.1/COM2 (38.4 kbps) is supported. You can download a setup file from the KEYENCE website ( If you are using the product in an environment in which you cannot download files over the Internet, contact your nearest KEYENCE office. *6 You can select the I/O from the following combinations. Control output ? 2, control output + external input, IO-Link (For details on the setting method, see page 3 of the instruction manual.)