Mounting bracket LK-G3001 Keyence
Mounting bracket LK-G3001 Keyence

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Keyence LK-G3001








Mounting bracket

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Specifications LK-G3001

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Features LK-G3001

Separate controller, NPN output
Model LK-G3001*1
Type Separate monitor model*2
Head compatibility All LK-G sensor heads are compatible
Connectable number of heads Maximum of 2 units
Display Minimum display unit 0.01 µm
Display range ±9,999.99 mm to ±9,999.99 µm (Selectable from six levels)
Display cycle 10 times/sec.
Terminal block Analogue voltage output ±10 V x 2 outputs, output impedance: 100 ?
Analogue current output 4 to 20 mA x 2 outputs, maximum load resistance: 350 ?
Timing input For OUT1, non-voltage input
Reset input
Auto-zero input
Laser remote interlock input Non-voltage input
Comparator output For OUT1, NPN open-collector output
Alarm output For OUT1, NPN open-collector output (N.C.)
Expansion connector Timing input For OUT2, non-voltage input
Reset input
Auto-zero input
Program switching input Non-voltage input x 3 inputs
Laser-Off input For Head A/Head B, non-voltage input
Comparator output For OUT2, NPN open-collector output
Alarm output For OUT2, NPN open-collector output (N.C.)
Binary Binary output Measured data output (21 bits), OUT1/OUT2 selectable, NPN open-collector output
Strobe output NPN open-collector output
Binary selector output
Binary selector input Non-voltage input
RS-232C interface Measured data output and control input/output (Maximum baud rate: 115,200 bps, selectable)
USB interface In conformity with USB Revision 2.0 Full speed (USB1.1 compatible)
Major functions 2 OUT simultaneous measurement, Operation, Averaging, Filter, Calibration, Measurement, AUTO ZERO, Sampling frequency setting, Mutual interference prevention, Data storage, 8-program memory, ECO mode, ABLE setting, Target setting, ABLE tuning, Selection of measurement surface of transparent target, Statistics processing, Connection of setting support software, Selectable head-mounting, etc.
Rating Power voltage 24 VDC ±10 %, Ripple (P-P) 10 % or less
Current consumption When connecting one measurement head 500 mA or less / When connecting two measurement heads 600 mA or less
Environmental resistance Ambient temperature 0 to +50 °C
Relative humidity 35 to 85 % RH (No condensation)
Weight Approx. 370 g
*1 The rating of the NPN open-collector: 50 mA max. (40 V max.), residual voltage of 1 V max. The rating of non-voltage input: 1 V or less ON voltage, 0.6 mA or less OFF current. *2 LK-G3001 can be operated singly. The measured value display and setting modifications can be performed on the display panel (LK-GD500) or via the setting support software (LK-H1W).