Process Sensor RD-50RK Keyence
Process Sensor RD-50RK Keyence

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Keyence RD-50RK








Process Sensor

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Specifications RD-50RK

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Features RD-50RK

Main Unit, RS-232C Type
Model RD-50RK
Measurement function DC voltage measurement, DC current measurement
A/D converting system Successive comparison
Measurement range ±5 VDC, ±10 VDC, 4 to 20 mA DC (selectable)
Display range -19999 to +39999
Measurement accuracy ±0.03 % of F.S. (at ±5 VDC range), ±0.03 % of F.S. (at ±10 VDC range) ±0.05 % of F.S. (at 4 to 20 mA DC range)
Input Impedance 1 M? (for voltage input), 350 ? (for current input)
System Single-ended
Number of inputs 2
Sampling rate 2,000 times/second
Display speed 20 times/second
Display power 7-segment 3-colour LED (character height: 15.24 mm)
Over-range alarm FFFF is displayed
Control input NPN open-collector or non-voltage contact signal
Control input Timing input
Hold reset input
Auto-zero input
External setting input
Controloutput Setting method 4 steps x 8 programmable setups (selectable)
Signal 5 x NPN (HH, HI, GO, LO, LL): 100 mA max. (40 V max.)
Response time 1 ms (when average number 1)*1
OFF-delay time 60 ms (ON/OFF selectable)
Analogue output voltage Output voltage ±10 VDC
Impedance 100 ?
Response time 1 ms (when average number 1)*2
Interface Data output and control input through RS-232C
Major functions MDL, digital fi lter, auto-zero, offset, input, data processing (10 modes), tolerance limit storage (up to 8 sets), decimal point shift, error message display, etc.
Rating Power voltage 24 VDC ±10 %, Ripple (P-P) 10 % or less
Current consumption 270 mA or less
Environmental resistance Ambient temperature 0 to +50 °C
Relative humidity 35 to 85 % RH (No condensation)
Vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz, Double amplitude 1.5 mm, 2 hours in each of the X, Y, and Z directions
Weight Approx. 700 g (excluding fi ttings)
*1 NPN output can easily be converted to PNP output by connecting the optional OP-5148 PNP output converter. *2 Requires 1.5 ms every second during self-compensation sequence to prevent temperature fl uctuations.