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Part number



Aparat do oznaczania wytrzymałości LRuE-2e Zakres 0-6000 N/cm2 Universal strength testing machine 0-6000 N/cm2 Zastosowanie /Application/ Aparat służy do badania własności wytrzymałościowych znormalizowanych próbek mas formierskich i rdzeniowych w stanie wilgotnym, wysuszonym lub chemicznie utwardzonym zgodnie z PN 83 H-11073 / EN. The tester is used to determine the strength of moulding and core sands when green and dry or cured. The tester allows to perform compression, shear, tensile and flexural tests. Charakterystyka techniczna /Technical Specification/ Klasa dokładności aparatu /Accuracy class/ 1% Napęd elektryczny - Sterowanie półautomatyczne /Electric motor - semiautomatic control/ Moc /Power Consumption/ 100W Zasilanie /Power supply/ 230 V, 50 Hz Waga /Weight/ ~125kg Ściskanie/Compression RcI 0-7,5 N/cm2 RcII 5,4 - 15,0 N/cm2 RcIII 9,0-75,0 N/cm2 RcIV 54,0 - 150,0 N/cm2 RcV 90,0-250,0 N/cm2 RcVI 180,0 - 500,0 N/cm2 Ścinanie/Shear RtI 0-6,0 N/cm2 RtII 4,5 - 12,0 N/cm2 RtIII 9,0-60,0 N/cm2 RtIV 45,0 - 120,0 N/cm2 RtV 90,0-200,0 N/cm2 RtVI 150,0 - 400,0 N/cm2 Zginanie/Bending RgI 0 - 300,0 N/cm2 RgII 225,0 - 600,0 N/cm2 RgIII 450,0 - 3000,0 N/cm2 RgIV 2250,0 - 6000,0 N/cm2 Rozciąganie/Tensile RmI 0 - 100,0 N/cm2 RmII 75,0 - 200,0 N/cm2 RmIII 90,0 - 250,0 N/cm2 RmIV 180,0 - 500,0 N/cm2

Stock availability:

On request

Price: On request


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Worldwide delivery services:
fedex dhl ups
Ways of payment:
wire transfer paypal

Specifications LRuE-2e

Contact us to get a great deal on MULTISERW-Morek LRuE-2e. We supply only new production MULTISERW-Morek directly from the manufacturer, therefore we can offer the most beneficial price and a quality guarantee. FAMAGA sells only certified equipment and gives an official guarantee from the manufacturer MULTISERW-Morek.

Our specialists speak your language. In a short time they will find for you MULTISERW-Morek at the best value, will select any for you spare parts and accessories for MULTISERW-Morek LRuE-2e, will recommend counterparts and agree delivery timings to the doors of your company.

Great logistics system allows us to supply production to any city in South Africa or any point of the world for the delivery chosen by you in a short time . If you become our constant customer, you will get even more attractive terms of delivery.

Our company has been working in South Africa for over ten years, supplying production to over 18000 clients worldwide. Our clients are over 2600 famous companies with world names.

For terms of cooperation please contact us, send your request to our E-mail.