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Urządzenie do wykonywania kształtek i małych rdzeni Hot-Box, Cold-Box, CO2, Anorganik Universal Test Pieces Blower /hot-box, cold-box, CO2, Inorganic/ Zastosowanie /Application/ Urządzenie przeznaczone jest do wykonywania próbek testowych metodą HOT-BOX, COLD-BOX, CO2 dla ich dalszego wykorzystania przy pomiarach wytrzymałości na zginanie, ściskanie, itd. Universal Test Pieces Blower (shooting machine) is used to make an standard bending, tensile, compression and hot-distortion test pieces in Hot-Box, Cold-Box, CO2, and Anorganic technology. Device have been designed to perform similar to plant conditions, since blowing is the most commonly employed ramming method for molding chemically bonded sands. The blower is equipped with digital controler which allows to set a temperature, heating time, blow pressure, blow time, ventilation time of working chamber. All parts as sand dispenser, core box plates are pneumatic operated. Charakterystyka techniczna /Technical Specification/ Czas strzału-regulowany /Blow time-adjustable/ 0-25 s Czas utwardzania/wygrzewania /Hardening/heating time/ 0-600 s Ciśnienie robocze - regulowane /Blow pressure - adjustable/ 0,4-0,6 MPa Czas wietrzenia komory /Ventilation time of working chamber/ 0-25 s Napęd elementów formy i dozownika - pneumatyczny /Drive type of sand dispenser and core box plates - pneumatic/ Temperatura pracy w technologii Hot-Box 100-355°C /Working temperature - Hot-Box method/ Moc grzałek /Power consumption/ 2 x 1,5 kW Zasilanie /Power supply/ 230/380 V Wymiary gabarytowe /Overall dimensions/ 600x1250x900mm Waga /Weight/ 225kg + Oprogramowanie LUT-1-LRu-2e z kablem (1 stanowisko) Software LUT/LRu + cable

Stock availability:

On request

Price: On request


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Worldwide delivery services:
fedex dhl ups
Ways of payment:
wire transfer paypal

Specifications LUT-1+LUT/S-LRu

Call us to get a great deal on MULTISERW-Morek LUT-1+LUT/S-LRu. We supply only new gear MULTISERW-Morek directly from the fabricator, therefore we can offer the most beneficial price and a quality guarantee. FAMAGA sells only certified industrial equipment and gives an official guarantee from the manufacturer MULTISERW-Morek.

Our highly-qualified workers speak your language. In a short time they will find for you MULTISERW-Morek at the lowest price, advise you on the necessary spare parts and accessories for MULTISERW-Morek LUT-1+LUT/S-LRu, will recommend counterparts and agree delivery timings to the doors of your company.

Impressive shipping system allows us to deliver gear to any city in South Africa or any other destination point in the world that you will choose in a short time . If you become our constant customer, you will get the best terms of cooperation.

Our enterprise has been working in South Africa for over nine years, supplying gear to over 1700 clients around the world. Our clients are over 2600 large companies with world names.

For extra information please contact us, E-mail us vendor code or description of needed goods.