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Part number



Wstrząsarka LPzE-2 e/do sit 200 mm/ amplituda drgań 0 - 2,5 mm Laboratory sieve shaker Wstrząsarka laboratoryjna służy do oznaczania składu ziarnowego materiałów sypkich, takich jak: kruszywa, piaski, itp. The sieve shaker is used to perform size analysis of moulding sands by sieving them through a standard test sieve set. Charakterystyka techniczna /Technical specification/ Możliwość zamontowania 12 sit (12 test sieves could be used) Przesiew na sucho oraz na mokro (Dry and wet sieving) Średnica robocza sita /Sieve diameter/ 193-225mm Wysokość robocza sita /Sieve height/ 25 lub 50mm Masa próbki /0 -3000g w zależnosci od rodzaju materiału. Max. sapmle weight - 3000g Ruch pionowo-skrętny (w 3 płaszczyznach) Vertical and Horizontaal amplitude 3D Amplituda (drgania pionowo-skrętne) /Vibration amblitude - adjustable/ 0 - 2,5mm Częstotliwość drgań /Vibration frequency/ - stała 50Hz Czas pracy - nastawny /Sieving time - adjustable/ 0 - 60min Tryb pracy ciągłej oraz z przerwą - interwał 10s Wyświetlacz cyfrowy /Digital Display/ 10 nastawnych programów pracy /10 adjustable working programs/ Zasilanie /Power supply/ 230V Pobór mocy 150W Deklaracja zgodności CE (Declaration of Conformity CE) Guarantee period: 12 months

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On request

Price: On request


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Worldwide delivery services:
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Ways of payment:
wire transfer paypal

Specifications LPzE-2e

Contact us to get a great deal on MULTISERW-Morek LPzE-2e. We supply only new equipment MULTISERW-Morek directly from the fabricator, therefore we can offer beneficial price and a quality guarantee. FAMAGA sells only certified products and gives an official guarantee from the fabricator MULTISERW-Morek.

Our employees speak your language. In a short time they will find for you MULTISERW-Morek at the best price, advise you on the necessary spare parts and accessories for MULTISERW-Morek LPzE-2e, will recommend counterparts and agree delivery time to the doors of your company.

Outstanding delivery network allows us to deliver equipment to any city in South Africa or any other destination point in the world that you will choose in a short time . If you become our constant customer, you will get the most satisfying terms for future cooperation.

Our company has been working in South Africa for over nine years, supplying equipment to over 19000 clients around the globe. The list of our clients includes over 2500 famous corporations with world names.

If extra information is needed please contact us, fill in the form on our website.