NORD Getriebe 13969098

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NORD Getriebe 13969098


NORD Getriebe



Part number



SK10382.1AZVGH-200LP/4 TF * * * A L T E R N A T I V - A N G E B O T * * * Produktbenennung Flachgetriebemotor Motordrehzahl 1.475 1/min Übersetzung 79,41 Abtriebsdrehzahl 19,000 1/min Betriebsfaktor 2,80 Abtriebsmoment M2 (Nm) 15.423,00 Leistung (kW) 30,000 Spannung (V) 400/690 Frequenz (Hz) 50 Wirkungsgradklasse IE3 Betriebsart S1 Schutzart Motor IP55 Isolationsklasse F Bauform Getriebe M1 Gehäuseart Hohlwelle-Flansch-B14 Wellenmaß 160H7 Entlüftung Druckentlüftung Wellendichtring Viton Abdeckhaube Abdeckhaube Gummipuffer Mit verstärktem Gummipuffer Thermischer Motorschutz Kaltleiter, 3x155°C Schaltungsart Dreieck Klemmkastenlage / Kabeleinf. 1/I Schmierstoffart Synth. Öl ISO VG 220 Klasse Öl CLP PG 220 Schmierstoffmenge (l) 76,000 Farbton 5010 Enzianblau Lackart Normallack Lackiervorschrift Lackierung 3.0 CE Logo Ja Losteil Abdeckhaube Gummipuffer/Met-Gummi Kabelverschraubung + O-Ring 18505026+O-Ring M50 Gewicht ca. 1.136 KG/ST

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On request

Price: On request


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Specifications 13969098

Call us to get a great deal on NORD Getriebe 13969098. We supply only new equipment NORD Getriebe directly from the manufacturer, therefore we can offer the most advantageous cost and a quality guarantee. FAMAGA sells only certified equipment and gives an official guarantee from the producer NORD Getriebe.

Our highly-qualified workers speak your language. In a short time they will find for you NORD Getriebe at the lowest price, advise you on the necessary spare parts and accessories for NORD Getriebe 13969098, will recommend counterparts and agree delivery timings to the doors of your company.

Outstanding delivery network allows us to send equipment to any city in South Africa or any point of the world for the delivery chosen by you in a short time . If you become our constant buyer, you will get even more attractive terms of delivery.

Our company has been working in South Africa for over nine years, supplying equipment to over 18000 clients around the globe. Our clients are over 2500 large companies with world names.

For prices and delivery terms please contact us, E-mail us vendor code or description of needed goods.