Wöhler VIS 350

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Wöhler VIS 350





Part number

VIS 350


Videoendoskop Technical specifications: Monitor : Size - not more than 180x200x30mm; TFT display - not less than 7.2 ʺ(18cm) format - not less than 16:9; Resolution - not less than 350 pixels. Video output-FBAS (Chinch) Weight no more than 400 g Camera : Miniature Colour Camera-not worse than 1/3 ʺ COLOR CMOS; Light Sensitivity of at least 0.5 Lux; Lens at least f = 2.4; Angle of Sweep at least 120º; Viewing / rotation 360º/180º; Light Source at least 12 LED white; Protection class -sealed, not less than IP67; Diameter max. 40mm long -60mm; Characteristics: Cable Dimension-6,5 mm diameter and a length of at least 20m; Power supply-2x replaceable batteries 12V/1,2Ah or AC adapter; Continuous running time-at least 1,5h; Total weight-at least 8,5kg; Length measurement-electronic with accuracy to no more than 0,04m; Case size-no more than 510x430x170mm; Transmitter locator: transmitter frequency-8,9kHz diameter-at least 6,5mm. Kit: Plastic case with video endoscope; colour video camera with minimum diameter of 40 mm; colour TFT monitor, connecting cable length of 2 m (monitor is removable); endoscope probe length of at least 20 m; electronic counter of distance travelled (built-in, display) ; non-slip mat-1pcs; rechargeable battery 2pcs; charger, memory card of at least 2 Gb, protective caps on camera - 5 pcs; user manual in Russian

Stock availability:

On request

Price: On request


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Worldwide delivery services:
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Ways of payment:
wire transfer paypal

Specifications VIS 350

Call us to get a great deal on Wöhler VIS 350. We supply only new industrial machinery Wöhler directly from the fabricator, therefore we can offer the most beneficial price and a quality guarantee. FAMAGA sells only certified equipment and gives an official guarantee from the producer Wöhler.

Our employees speak your language. In a short time they will find for you Wöhler at the lowest price, advise you on the necessary spare parts and accessories for Wöhler VIS 350, will recommend counterparts and agree delivery timings to the doors of your company.

Impressive shipping system allows us to supply industrial machinery to any city in South Africa or any point of the world for the delivery chosen by you in a short time . If you become our constant customer, you will get special, even more attractive terms of cooperation.

Our company has been working in South Africa for over nine years, supplying industrial machinery to over 17500 clients worldwide. The list of our clients includes over 2600 famous companies with world names.

If extra information is needed please contact us, let us know what you exactly want, or send description to our E-mail.